Beginning Again

It’s been four years since I last wrote for this blog.

For over a year now, I’ve felt this nagging urge to start sharing here again, but self-criticism kept stopping me. I worried that after such a long break, I wouldn’t keep up with it, or that it might come off as self-indulgent. And those worries were just the tip of the iceberg.

But, I’m doing it anyway.

When I opened Old Town Yoga, my plan was to document the journey of creating a yoga studio from scratch and watching it grow. I wrote consistently for a while, but from 2018 to 2021, life as a wife, mother, instructor, boss, and evolving human really broke me down in the most humbling and devastating ways. Miraculously, I survived. I may share more about that time later, but for now, I’m starting fresh.

Yoga has changed my life in so many incredible ways. I’m unrecognizable—in the best way possible. Practicing daily has been key to this transformation, and I feel so honored to share yoga with my local community. Despite the challenges of owning and growing a studio, I am truly grateful that this is my “job.”

I deeply appreciate you taking the time to read this and look forward to sharing Old Town Yoga’s journey here. If you’ve been waiting for a sign to start something you’ve been putting off—consider this it. Whether it’s a hobby, a passion project, or reconnecting with someone, take a moment to think about what’s been holding you back. Sometimes, the hardest part is just beginning.

Here’s to beginning again, my friends.

A current photo of my family for no particular reason other than the fact that I adore them.